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Stay in Place

Our mission here at Breadfarm is to provide our immediate communities of Skagit Valley & greater Bellingham with access to locally made artisan breads & pastry. Our products nourish not only the body, but also the heart and the soul.

Over the years, we’ve become a destination. As those of you of you in the city explore the outlying areas, Edison has become known as a food Mecca.

Our Magic Skagit “Food Trail” provides not only bread and delicious cookies, but oysters, shellfish, cheese, meats, herbs, blueberries, produce, beer.

As we prepare for our first weekend under ‘stay in place’ I’d like share a quote that has been on my mind all week from Gov. Inslee “if we are living a normal life, we are not doing our jobs as Washingtonians”.

This pandemic is an unwinnable Catch 22 for us, but also for our immediate community of Edison. Out of respect for our neighbors, for those who’ve lived in this incredible village of Edison long before Scott and I entered in 2002, we’re asking you to consider staying away this weekend. For our safety, for your safety, for the safety of our neighbors and to allow us to serve our immediate community with access to bread.

Tweets and Mariposa will both be closed. The Lucky Dumpster & Hedgerow will be closed. Both the taverns are closed. Smith & Vallee Gallery & i.e. gallery are both closed. The Rhody Cafe & Farm to Market Bakery are closed. There are no public restrooms in town.

We understand the need to take a drive and seek refuge outside of the city. If you feel like visiting us is “essential”, consider visiting us mid week. Breadfarm is open every day for curbside pickup from 8a-4p. You can also find us at the Skagit Coop, or Snow Goose Produce.

This sign used to have the population of our community. I think when we moved to town in 2003 it was 148. Breadfarm will always be here for you. Edison will be here for you. But maybe not this weekend Seattle.

If you really need us, consider ordering cookies from our webpage or a gift card. Now that every day is kinda the weekend, consider a midweek visit to support us along with TerraMar, Slough Food, Bow Hill Blueberries, Taylor Shellfish, Samish Bay Cheese. Remember, your neighborhood bakery, they also need you.

We love you. Stay safe everyone.
❤️ Renée & Scott